CHESAPEAKE, Va. — At a meeting Monday, the Chesapeake school board debated the After School Satan Club at one of their schools.
The Chesapeake School Board voted to keep the current use of school facilities policy in place and continue to allow non-school affiliated clubs to use school facilities.
The board's vote means that non-exempt/non-school affiliated clubs, including the After School Satan Club, will still be allowed to use school facilities.

School board member Amanda Dean brought the motion to the table for a vote. If the board would have voted in favor of the motion, non-affiliated school clubs and organizations would have no longer been able to use Chesapeake schools as a meeting place.
Catholic worshippers rallied against the After School Satan Club ahead of the meeting.

More than 30 public speakers from different clubs and organizations that use school facilities, including the Girl Scouts of America and the Good News Club, spoke on the issue.
Many of those organizations told News 3 they are relieved by the board's decision and will continue using school facilities.