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Family of Chesapeake man serving 80 years for robbery holds rally

Rudolph Turner rally
Rudolph Turner rally
Rudolph Turner rally
Rudolph Turner rally
Posted at 11:42 PM, May 25, 2024

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — We told you about a Portsmouth man who was released from prison last year when his lifelong robbery sentence was amended. Now, there's another family in Chesapeake hoping for a similar outcome for their loved one. 

The family, friends, and advocates for Rudolph Turner held a rally in Chesapeake on Saturday. They're there because Turner's been serving more than 80 years in prison for a series of armed robberies. While the crimes didn't result in injury or death, they took place in four cities in Hampton Roads in the late 90s and the time added up with mandatory minimum sentences for gun charges that ran consecutively. 

"Like I said, he committed a crime, he committed several crimes, he has admitted his is wrong for that, but the question is is 82 years fair?," said Shana Hicks, Turner's sister.

Turner committed his crimes after parole was abolished in Virginia so they're asking for clemency, or a conditional pardon, which the governor only grants if there are extraordinary circumstances to warrant it. 

In the meantime, Hicks, who has written a book on the topic, said she hopes this will open a conversation on justice. 

Check back for deeper coverage of Turner's case in the next few weeks.