

Instagram partners with National Alliance on Mental Illness to help people with isolation, anxiety

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It's been a tough few weeks for many of us as we worry about our health and financial uncertainty.

To help people dealing with isolation and anxiety, Instagram has formed a partnership with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

You’ll be able to get information on protecting your mental health on NAMI’s instagram page.

Some of the topics they’ll be covering include dealing with isolation and how to stay connected without overdoing social media.

Dr. Ken Duckworth, Chief Medical Officer at NAMI, says one recommendation for all of us is to get the news you need but then take a break, especially after dinner.

"You have to pay attention... but you don’t need to be counting all the catastrophic things that are happening around the globe. That will interrupt your sleep. Sleep is essential for prevention of depression, bipolar disorder episodes, disruption in your own vulnerability to addiction, [and] substance use," Dr. Duckworth said.

Exercise, listening to music and deep breathing can all help counter anxiety as well.

Related: Coronavirus versus anxiety: How to protect your mental health

Netflix is also doing an Instagram live series called, “Wanna Talk About It?”

Stars are paired up with experts from various mental health organizations like NAMI to talk about the best ways to handle anxiety and stress.

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