KILL DEVIL HILLS, N.C. - Police have released information about an incident after they said information about it had been circulated through Facebook posts and they feel it is "important to put out factual, reliable information concerning the incident to help prevent confusion and misinformation."
On September 26 Kill Devil Hills officers were dispatched to a condo at the Oyster Point Condo complex at 700 Skipjack Lane for a stabbing incident. When they got there officers quickly rendered aid to the victim of the stabbing and detained the suspect, 34-year-old Katherine Denny.
Police said probable cause was established to determine that Denny had allegedly stabbed her boyfriend and she was arrested. The victim was taken to Outer Banks Hospital where he was treated for his injuries, according to police.
Denny was taken to Dare County Detention Center.
Police said no bond was set at the time of the arrest as North Carolina has a 48-hour custody rule for domestic violence related crimes.
"This is done to provide a “cooling off” period and to ensure the domestic violence survivor has an opportunity to take steps to protect themselves. Subsequent to the 48-hour hold, Denny was given a $10,000 unsecured bond," the police release said.
Police went on to explain more about what bonds are saying, "a bond is placed on an individual who has been arrested to ensure their appearance in court. With a few exceptions related to public safety, this is the only purpose of the bond. It is not a punishment and cannot lawfully be used as such. The person under arrest has a presumption of innocence regardless of any circumstances concerning their case. The police department has no role in setting a bond: this is done by a magistrate or judge. There is a recommended bond guideline for judicial officials to follow; however, they also take into account facts such as the person’s residency, ties to the area and any record of the person failing to appear for any past court dates."