

Pittsburgh firefighter arrested outside Chesterfield Chili's as part of FBI child sex sting

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CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. -- A Pittsburgh firefighter came to a Chesterfield parking lot, hoping to meet a mother and her pre-teen daughter for sex, according to a FBI affidavit.

In graphic detail, the document describes the language Brian Kosanovich, who is in his 50's, allegedly used to ask someone, who he assumed was a Chesterfield mother, to make her own child available for sex.

Using the "Kik" app, that mother, who was actually a law enforcement officer, told him her daughter was under than age of 12.

Kosanovich, whose screen name according to the FBI was “eat17,” then allegedly typed "cool."

"One of the factors a judge would consider is his occupation as a firefighter, being a public servant, being in a position of trust,” said CBS 6 legal analyst Todd Stone. “Those things matter."

According to court documents, the interaction first started on the online then continued on the "Kik" app.

The pages and pages of text messages detail in vulgar terms exactly how Kosanovich, the mom and child would have sex together.

"The actual language used, where he presumed he was talking to the girl herself through the internet, and alleged to have said what he said, makes it more aggravated," said Stone.

A meet-up day was discussed.

First it was to be January 14, but due to car trouble, it was changed to February 18 at the Chattanooga Plaza Chili's in Chesterfield.

When Kosanovich arrived, he was greeted by an FBI agent, and at least three felony charges.

"City of Pittsburgh, Public Safety and Bureau of Fire officials learned this evening that a city firefighter was arrested in Virginia and charged via a federal criminal complaint with multiple sexual offenses involving a minor. The charges against the firefighter, identified in an FBI investigation as Brian Kosanovich, are deeply disturbing," Pittsburgh Fire spokesperson Chris Togneri said. "He was immediately removed from duty and placed on unpaid administrative leave pending an administrative investigation. As this is an ongoing case, we will have no further comment at this time."

Kasanovich is being held at Pamunkey Regional Jail in Hanover County.