

Three things to know before booking your next trip

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NORFOLK, Va. - Travel spending is way up this year compared to the same time last year.

More Americans say they're ready to start booking trips.

There are still some COVID-related issues people need to be aware of while planning, though.

Travel agents say one of the most important things people to need to do right now is to start planning early. It's currently taking about 18 weeks to process passports, and passports need to be valid for six months after the return date.

Options are also more limited because so many people want to travel again.

If you're wondering if you still need to get travel insurance for your trip, Sheila Hale, travel agency manager for AAA Tidewater, says - absolutely.

Most policies cover pandemic-related issues, and there are other reasons you may need it.

"It's just so important because you do not know what's going to happen. That's what insurance is all about," Hale said.

You'll also want to check policies for everything you book a little more closely to make sure you know about any restrictions or requirements.