RICHMOND, Va. -- Tracy Epps has been missing since March 3.
Her husband, who is believed to be the last person who saw her, was fatally shot after he refused to lower his gun when ordered to by Richmond Police officers during a confrontation on a Richmond front porch.
Epps' disappearance has been especially painful for those who love her.

"You see these events on the news and here I am. I never wanted to be on this side of the microphone, but when you see these news segments and families endure the pain and sorrow, you have sympathy, but you move onto the next," Bud Butler, Epps' brother, said.
Butler wants to share some facts with the public about what led up to his sister's disappearance on March 1 inside a West Broad Street hotel room in Henrico.

"That night, there was an intense confrontation in the room and loud banging on the floor. The desk called up and Lester Epps picked up the phone. That was not normal practice. He didn't talk to the attendees," Butler said.
Butler said, and multiple Crime Insider sources told Jon Burkett, that hours later, LC Epps was caught on camera outside the hotel with something wrapped in a blanket and on a luggage rack.
He wheeled the object to the trunk of his car.
"The video has him taking the luggage cart out to the car and then putting this object into the trunk," Butler said. "So the evidence is this: Why do we have presumed dead? You have the evidence of that [luggage cart], plus the blood that was in the room, on the cart and also in the car."

That car was found days later on March 6 after Richmond Police responded to a belligerent man, now identified as LC Epps, in the Fulton area in Richmond's East End.
Family members of Tracy said LC had four days to dispose of their beloved family member. Now, they are pleading for information about where she is.
"Please public, if you could just pause and look around. That's what we are asking. We know what happened. We need to find her remains, so we can change this end of humiliation... and give her some dignity," Butler said.

Butler said his sister always dreamed of being buried in a wedding dress, symbolizing a marriage to the Lord.
He said that dress is ready. Now, they just have to find her and give her a proper burial.
This is a developing story, so anyone with more information can email to send a tip.
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