NewsPositively Hampton Roads


No locker, no problem. Care Closet keeps students warm during winter months

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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. – At the Advanced Technology Center, the use of lockers is prohibited due to COVID which can create problems during the winter months when students start to bring bigger coats.

Clinic assistant for ATC clinic, Carol Stephen, noticed that instead of wearing their big coats to school in the winter weather students would wear hoodies because they were easier to carry around throughout the school day.

“There are many students I feel that has a silent cry,” said teacher Carol Stephen. “But (they) won't ask for help.”

Stephen, along with her coworker Kathy Baker, came up with the idea of a “Hoodie drop” a space where free sweatshirts are up for the taking.

“It seems to be working, so that makes me happy. Even if it's just student that we get one a week I'm happy with that. It's just reaching those that won't speak up,” said Stephen.

Students can visit "the hoodie drop" and take their pick of hoodie every Wednesday.