

Norfolk entrepreneur giving out $2,020 grants each to 13 women with small businesses

The applications will roll out from April 20 through April 30
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NORFOLK, Va. – Starting Monday, Norfolk entrepreneur Dr. Angela Reddix is giving back to 13 women in Virginia who own small businesses that have been hit hard during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Reddix says she was a small business owner herself and knows what it’s like to feel the world on your shoulders during a time of uncertainty.

“Just 13 years ago, I was a micro business. I started this company with one employee. Back in 2006, I remember those dark days of feeling that I was in this alone. I remember we grew very quickly from one to five then 15 – then, before I knew it, over 100,” said Dr. Angela Reddix, The Reddix Rules Fund.

Now, owning a multi-million-dollar company, Dr. Reddix says she wanted to give 13 women $2,020 each – all out of her own pocket.

“I just thought of The Reddix Rules, which is something I use as a guide for business. I would establish a fund for 13 women, representing 13 years in business, to be a bridge. Certainly $2,020 isn’t going to get them through months and months, but I’m hoping it’s a bridge until they’re able to get unemployment. It’s a bridge until the next fund of small business relief comes,” said Dr. Reddix.

The applications will roll out from April 20 through April 30. The winners will start to be announced and will also start to receive funding from May 1 through May 13. There will be one winner announced each day.

Related: Small Business Association loans offer relief to small businesses

“I am looking for those who have attempted to get funded and they couldn’t get funded. Perhaps they’re starting off and they didn’t have all of the documentations that was necessary. They too have a passion, and I don’t want them to give up on their passion because of what we’re going through right now,” said Dr. Reddix.

Dr. Reddix says the applicants must own a legitimate business, have an EIN and be in good standings with the state. She is also looking for a two-minute video telling your story.

“I want to demonstrate for 13 women that we are in fact our sister’s keeper. This is just a sign of hope for them to have faith," Dr. Reddix said. “There is help on the way.”

For more information on how to apply, click here.