Taking ActionConsumer Reports


Parents - looking for a fun way to exercise? Try a jogging stroller!

Posted at 11:49 PM, Sep 16, 2020
and last updated 2020-09-16 23:49:40-04

Since many gyms might still be closed, a lot of parents are looking for new and fun ways to get exercise.

A brisk walk, jog, or run is great exercise for the whole family - but only if you have the right equipment for the little ones! Consumer Reports reveals the ins and out of jogging strollers.

Experienced road racer Jackie Noblett was excited to get back out pounding the pavement - now, with three new running companions.

"I think we're getting to the point where I could schedule one loop with one kid, then do a sort of relay race and take one kid out, put one in," Noblett says.

Ready to try the same routine? You'll need a good stroller that's built for jogging.

"The reason for using a jogging stroller in fixed-wheel mode when you're jogging; you hit a bump or something like that you want the wheel to be fixed in place so the stroller doesn't veer off or even tip over," CR Stroller Expert Joan Muratone said.

While the fixed wheel makes it great for running, it can be challenging for everyday use since the stroller is harder to maneuver when you're walking or turning corners.

A traditional stroller that can be used for jogging is more versatile: You can put the front wheel in the swivel position for everyday use, or lock it straight for jogging.

"If you're going to buy a stroller and spend that kind of money, having multiple functionalities is kind of nice!" Noblett said.

Consumer Reports' top traditional stroller that can be used for jogging is the ChiccoActiv3 Air for $300.

Have two kids to push? CR recommends the Thule Urban Glide 2 for $730. While that might seem pricey for a stroller, CR says most double running strollers cost $500 and up.

All of the strollers in Consumer Reports ratings have a five-point harness -- similar to a car seat. All strollers come with a parking break — on some it's hand-operated, while on
others it's a foot brake.

Good brakes are essential and CR testers say a hand- operated brake offers better control as you jog. If possible, take the stroller for a spin and see how it fits you.

The more comfortable you are, the more likely you'll be able to keep up the habit.