

Colorado State University predicts above-normal 2021 Atlantic hurricane season

Hurricane Iota
Hurricane Season Forecast KJ.png
and last updated

Colorado State University released its first formal forecast for the 2021 Atlantic hurricane season. "We anticipate that the 2021Atlantic basin hurricane season will have above-normal activity."

CSU Forecast
Named Storms: 17
Hurricane : 8
Major Hurricanes: 4

Season Average (1981-2010)
Named Storms: 12.1
Hurricane : 6.4
Major Hurricanes: 2.7

The CSU team also included the probability for at least one major hurricane landfall on...
1) Entire continental U.S. coastline: 69%
2) U.S. East Coast (Including Peninsula Florida): 45%
3) Gulf Coast (from the Florida Panhandle to Brownsville): 44%

You can read the full CSU article here:

While these seasonal outlooks are interesting and may give us some perspective to the upcoming hurricane season, it's important to remember that location is more important than numbers. A season with low numbers but multiple local impacts is "more active" than a season with high numbers but no local impacts. One landfall has much more weight than a dozen "fish storms"

The Atlantic hurricane season starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th, but storms can (and have) formed outside of the official season dates.

Hurricane Season Forecast KJ.png