

Man recovering from stroke calls helpful neighbors his ‘undercover angels’


Suffolk, Va. - Steven Baum calls his extraordinary neighbors, Ty and Angie Satchell, his undercover angels.

Baum is recovering from a stroke and uses a wheelchair to get around. But thanks to Ty and Angie, they regularly take care of his lawn, trim his bushes, run errands for him, offer to cook for him and invite him to church.

Baum calls them his "undercover angels" because they never seek any recognition for all they do.

This is probably why they became emotional when we surprised them with a NewsChannel 3 People Taking Action award and presented them with a $100 Visa gift card from our community partner Southern Bank.

Angie was nearly at a loss for words as she fought back tears and Ty didn't want to take any credit. "It's God just doing what the Lord says we're supposed to do. We're supposed to take care of our family, friends and neighbors, so that's what we're doing," says Ty.

Baum says he's fortunate to have neighbors like the Satchells. "But I'm just so blessed to see people like this living next to me," Baum says.

Their pastor, Jim Goebel from Liberty Baptist Church who helped us set up the surprise, says he's not surprised one bit to hear this about these two members.

"They're great. They're very involved in our church. They're involved with a lot of community things and whenever there's something to be done, they're the first two to volunteer."