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People Taking Action: Norfolk mother takes action and earns nickname the ‘runner’


Shanna Branum, a volunteer at Tarrallton Elementary, greeted us with cheers when we entered the classroom where she was helping with our cameras rolling, but she's not the nominee.

Our People Taking Action nominee is Tanya Reynolds, a volunteer, mother of four and she's at the school Monday through Friday.

Shanna was one of the people who nominated Tanya and got a little emotional about it as she was reading her nomination letter about Tanya.

"She is an amazing mother and wife that dedicates her time every single day. I'm gonna cry. I can't read it aloud."

Several other volunteers agree Tanya is special. Just ask  Dawn Everix.

"Honestly, I could not possibly tell you all the things she does or organizes at our school. 'Taking Action' is definitely an appropriate description!"

Tanya's dedication has really made an impression with one volunteer in particular.  Jennifer Cooper had to fight back tears when talking about Tanya's help.

"Because I'm a mom and I know how much it takes to be here all the time. I can't begin to imagine the amount of hours. I can't think of another parent who deserves it more."

Tanya also helps out with the school's PTA. She will make props for school plays. She's been known to run to the store to pick up school supplies for the teachers and Shanna says her nickname at Tarralloton is the runner.

"Because she's running from the copier machine to the office to help the principal and out to the parent liaison office and she's literally pumping in and out of rooms all day long."

Tanya jokingly calls the copier room her office because she spends so much time there.

"And if I could help out a teacher who has more time to help someone else's child, that's why I'm here."

Principal Diane Gibson is so thankful to have a volunteer like Tanya in her school. "It is truly amazing and I've never met anyone like this woman. She takes this on like it's her job."

And that's why we presented Tanya with a NewsChannel 3 People Taking Action award and a $100 Visa gift card from our community partner Southern Bank.