This is not your dad's Ghostbusters movie and that's a good thing.
The 2016 reboot packs a different kind of punch thanks to its cast. Can you ever go wrong with Melissa McCarthy? Throw in Saturday Night Live stars Kristen Wiig, Kate McKennon and Leslie Jones (who is HILARIOUS, by the way) and I couldn't stop laughing.
The movie does not stray far from the original premise. 27 years later, it's cool to see how special effects have made the ghosts bigger and better.
But, it's the bigger and better jokes that make this Ghostbusters shine. Even Chris Hemsworth, who plays a brain-dead Ken Doll of a receptionist brings the laughs.
The Verdict:
This Ghostbusters may not go down in history as a cinematic masterpiece, but it is a fun Summer movie that should have the whole family laughing. I give it 4 out of 5 Blaines.

4 out of 5 Blaines