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People Taking Action: Good Samaritan helps stranded driver


You can relate to this. You’re cruising along in traffic on a busy street trying to get to work or to an appointment and your car breaks down.

That’s exactly what happened to Virginia Beach resident Nancy Stephens. She was traveling on Princess Anne Road one dreary morning when her car started acting up.

“I was watching the temperature gauge go up and up,” says Stephens. "And the light came on and I was freaking out so I pulled in right here and I just sat there and put my head in my hands, and said so now what?”

Its not what but who. After many people walked right by Nancy, one person did stop and ask if he could help. It was Nick Blevins.

"She was overheating and low on oil and in pretty bad shape," says Blevins.

That was a few weeks ago and today, Nancy meets Nick again. This time the circumstances are very different. The sun is shining and Nancy is smiling.

Nancy couldn’t have asked for a more qualified good Samaritan. You see, Nick is a mechanic.

He spent an hour in the cold rain helping this stranger.

Because of his generosity and time we at News 3 presented Nick with a People Taking Action award. Our partner, Southern Bank gave him a $300 gift card.

Nick was surprised and humbled, “I was always raised that you should give the shirt off your back if need be and if someone needs help you should always help them.”

He and his wife Natasha credit strong values from their modest Kentucky upbringing.

Natasha says, “He did what we were raised to do which is to help people in need.”

Congrats, Nick!