

Vape shops are under attack by criminals in Virginia Beach

Several reported burglaries
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Vape shops are under attack in Virginia Beach.

News 3 has uncovered a problem that several local businesses are dealing with.

One local owner who didn’t want to be identified showed us security video of two people checking out the front of a vape store off Witchduck Road in Virginia Beach. Moments later, you see them come back with a rock and throw it at the window, causing damage.

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The owner said he is frustrated by what’s been happening.

An employee at another store told us, “They spray paint the cameras and legitimately just break through the door… My bosses have had to sleep here over the summer because it was so bad. It happened once a month, then it started happening twice a month.”

News 3 went to several vape stores to learn more. We were shown where criminals had recently tried to break in, with visible damage on windows of several stores.

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“The criminals here are not very complicated. They find a scheme and they think they found a soft target,” said Richard James, a crime analyst who worked as a detective for over 30 years.

Virginia Beach Crime Solvers issued a warning and shared images of people they believe are responsible for various burglaries of vape stores.

Our investigative team uncovered a search warrant that gives details on the crimes. It says between August and November, there were nine break-ins at five different locations not far from Independence Boulevard. The owners and employees we talked to said there have been even more burglaries than that.

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Police say the suspects break the glass on the front window, stealing large amounts of vapes and tobacco products.

“It wouldn’t be surprising [if] it’s a criminal organization or if there’s some kind of coordination with these particular hits,” said James.

Police said a 17-year-old boy was arrested for one incident and charged with burglary, grand larceny, and other related charges. They say there have been no other arrests as of the date this story aired (Jan. 28).

Crime Solvers say anyone with information that leads to an arrest could get a cash reward. You can leave a tip by calling 1-888-LOCK-U-UP.