

Donovon Lynch's father files amended complaint against Virginia Beach officer responsible for son's death

Donovon Lynch
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VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. - The father of Donovon Lynch, the man who was fatally shot by a Virginia Beach officer on March 26 while multiple shootings were happening at the Oceanfront, has filed an amended complaint againstOfficer Solomon Simmons.

The family filed an original complaint against the city and the officer in June 2021, seeking $50 million in damages and a trial by jury.

The amended complaint that was filed provides additional context on Office Simmons’ violations, argues that the department has inadequate enforcement of its policies, and gives examples of the department's longstanding pattern of misconduct.

The complaint states that Donovon was alive for 14 minutes between when he was shot and pronounced dead and it was only after Donovon was pronounced dead that he was brought to the hospital located 4 miles away.

According to the complaint filed, the department failed to enforce its policies and train its officers on the rendering of potentially life-saving, medical aid.

The complaint goes on to mention past incidents with the Virginia Beach Police Department, some of which are still being fought in court today.

According to the documents, Lynch's family's complaint states that the reason for Donovon's death was due to the city's improper training of the department's officers.

The amended complaint still seeks $50 million in damages, however, it also seeks $350,000 from the involved officer.

The City of Virginia Beach filed a motion in July to dismiss the family of Donovon Lynch's lawsuit. Officer Simmons claims he feared for his life before pulling the trigger.