

Learning Center in Chesapeake offers homeschooling and tutoring for public school students

Learning Center in Chesapeake offers homeschooling and tutoring for public school students
Posted at 5:41 PM, Sep 18, 2023
and last updated 2023-09-18 17:42:26-04

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Sometimes, a little extra help is needed.

In the years Dr. Shirley Auguste, a former principal, spent teaching students, she noticed that an in-classroom setting didn't suit some of the students.

This inspired her to try something new.

In 2020, Auguste set up the Jasaron Learning Institute in Chesapeake.

It offers tutoring for students learning in person and/or at home.

More than 50,000 kids are home-schooled, according to the Home Educators' Association of Virginia.

Unless the parents are teachers, many students will need the help of a home-school program to educate their kids.

"The majority of my students do have some sort of disability and I do have some that are advanced," Auguste said. "I just continue to help them excel."

"We also have students that are above grade level as well."

Parents say their reasons for homeschooling include bullying, academic challenges, and the climate of the public schools.

The Home Educators' Association of Virginia says some homeschool families will face another challenge - getting their kids tutoring.

But Auguste says she's here to help with short and long-term learning.

She said the institute offers hybrid learning for Pre-K to adults. She also said those in need of tutoring at public schools have a place to fine tune their studies at her institute.

You can find more details by clicking the link here.