CHESAPEAKE, Va. — It’s a change of season in Virginia but something that hasn’t changed is rising costs due to inflation.
For some families, it's hitting them harder and having them make tough choices of how to spend their money.
Robin Pierce, one of the owners of Hickory Ridge Farms in Chesapeake, says production has been anything but pumpkin spice and everything nice.
Typically they’ll buy and sell pumpkins from other farmers, but they tried something different this season and grew their pumpkins. Unfortunately, the owners say the cost amounted to more than they expected. This year the cost of production went up 25 - 30 percent. Those statistics then trickled down to the product. This now means that a pumpkin has gone up 10 cents per pound.
On Tuesday, brother and sister duo Shannon Lorimer and Evan Fowle were among some of the customers at the farm and say they didn't allow inflation to stop one from picking them up. According to Lorimer, driving to the farm wasn't planned at all.
"Our father passed last night and we were coming home from the funeral home and missed our exit. Since he really liked having big pumpkins we thought we’d come and take a look and see what they can get in his memory," explains Lorimer.
After finding the perfect pumpkin, the siblings shared a childhood story or two about how that tradition started.
"One year our dad had bought this giant pumpkin and he was so proud of it. He was so excited for us to carve this thing and then these jerk high school kids came by and smashed the pumpkins before Halloween. So he said to us, you know what let’s go get giant pumpkins," recalls Lorimer.
The spontaneous trip to the farm sparked a giggle or two between Shannon and Evan, as well as another surprise, a free pumpkin. Pierce says this year the farm aims to make the price right for struggling families and ensure that everyone and every jack-o-lantern can wear a smile this season. To look up hours for Hickory Ridge Farm this season, click here.