
Joe Biden wins 'pivot city' Chesapeake

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CHESAPEAKE, Va. - Joe Biden carried the city of Chesapeake, besting President Trump by over six points.

Chesapeake has correctly predicted the presidency in every election since 2000. President Trump won in the city in 2016. Before that, President Obama carried it twice.

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe attributes the change this election to bigger turnout. "Our turnout is extraordinary. Joe Biden got more votes than any candidate ever running in the history of America. People were energized to beat Trump," said McAuliffe.

Currently, the final results of the presidential race are being counted, so it remains to be seen whether Chesapeake got it right this time. Biden has leads in four of the final six contested states, but Republicans are now calling for the process to slow down.

"[Democrats] want to ignore clear irregularities, rush to call states as won and end the election. We will not stand for that," said Ronna McDaniel, chair of the RNC.

President Trump tweeted Friday saying Biden should not "wrongfully claim the office of the President."

McAuliffe believes the race could already be called. "This could've been called yesterday," he said. "If you look at Pennsylvania numbers, we're gaining and Pennsylvania is in our category."

Still, some Virginia voters are obviously not happy with the results. State Senator Amanda Chase is promoting a "Stop the Steal" event on Saturday on her Facebook page, saying the election was not fair.

McAuliffe brushed off the event. "Nobody is stealing ballots. Nobody is stealing an election," he said.

He says it's time for the country to come together. "It is time for this nation to come together and unify and move forward," he said.

Click here for election results.