EDENTON, N.C. — We went back to see artist Matt Lively again for a new mural in Edenton after everyone adored his first.
Meredith Timberlake is the executive director of the Chowan Arts Council loves the first mural.

Matt Lively is the Richmond-based artist who painted it on the side of the Chowan Arts Council in 2023. Now, he's back for another one!
Watch April's story about another mural from Matt Lively:
"There was fast criticism of my primer color right off the bat," said Lively. "But that's okay. You just have to promise that there's going to be other colors in it."

"Right now, it just looks like he is grafiting all over the side of the building, but it will end up looking like this and I think people feel comfortable knowing that the end result is going to be magnificent," said Timberlake.
"They wanted it to have a lot of the nature in the area," said Lively. "Of course there's going to be the lighthouse. Everybody loves the lighthouse and the teapot."
And after days and days of painting, here's the finished product! This one showcases all the flora and fauna of Edenton.

It's located at the corner of Broad and King Street on the side of Surf, Wind and Fire.
"I love this place and I love it more and more, so I would like to do a mural where I celebrate the things I like about this place," said Lively.
Timberake said, the locals love the mural, and it's a great photo opportunity!