NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — The school district is now using weapons detection and narcotics dogs in their middle and high schools.
“The big focus for us is deterrence through presence is the term that we like to use, we aren’t there to get the kids in trouble for finding stuff, we’re there to keep the kids safe,” said James Overton, owner of American K-9 Interdiction.
Overton said the drug dogs can sniff out cocaine, marijuana, ecstasy, PCP, fentanyl and more. The weapons detection dogs can detect gun powder, gun shot residue and the smell of ammunition.

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“When the kids are going from one class to the other, the dogs are in the hallways walking around and if they happen to pick up that odor of narcotics or firearms then the dogs are able to indicate on who’s got that,” said James Overton, with American K-9 Interdiction.
Newport News Public Schools put out the following statement about their new safety initiative:
"By combining highly effective and proactive K-9 teams with weapon detection systems, security officers in all schools, enhanced camera systems, and partnerships with local law enforcement, Newport News Public Schools continues to build a robust, multi-layered approach to keep our schools safe."
The military-friendly company mostly employs veterans. They are also currently contracted with Hampton City Schools.