VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — The Virginia Beach community raised money to help the family of an 8-year-old boy who was shot in while playing video games in his home.
The fundraiser at Superheroes Ice Cream sent half of the sales are going towards Landyn's recovery.

On Feb. 13, Landyn Davis was inside his home playing video games when he was shot in the head.
Since then, he’s woken up from a medically induced coma, and his parents are waiting to learn more about the extent of his injuries.
"This is the second fundraiser we’ve had and it’s amazing," Emily Rigsby, Landyn’s mother said.

Community turns out in full force to support 8-year-old shot in Virginia Beach
"I appreciate everyone coming out here today, and I appreciate all this money going towards Landyn," Breland, Landyn’s 13-year-old brother said.
Although Landyn isn’t able to talk or walk yet, his mom says he’s making progress.
"From the tubes being in for so long, he has to wait until his vocal cords heal before he can talk again," Emily Rigsby said. "We can talk to him and he understands what we’re saying."
The owner of Superheros Ice Cream, Coleman Ferguson, went to high school with Landyn’s father, Steven and says this fundraiser was vital in helping Landyn’s recovery.

Virginia Beach
Parents of 8-year-old shot in Virginia Beach talk about him waking up
"I grew up with Steven," Ferguson said. "When I first saw the news it was devastating. When I saw it was Steven’s son, I was heartbroken by the whole ordeal. I really wanted to do something so we got this together."
The ice cream shop says they raised more than $1,000 in less than a day for Landyn’s recovery.
Virginia Beach police say no arrests have been made. If you have information about the shooting, you are urged to call 1-888-LOCK-U-UP. You can receive $5,000 for information that leads to an arrest.
On Wednesday, family friend Jessica Heughins told News 3 that Landyn is still in ICU.